Saturday, August 16, 2014

It's all in your mind!

...No matter what your experience

No matter what your experience is, it is really all in your head.

That's made it up.

Are you a young man suffering from a porn/masturbation/orgasm (PMO) addiction?  You made it up.

Are you a young woman trying to starve yourself to look like the magazines?  Again, you made it up.

Are you a man or woman that is suffering with social anxiety?  You really want to get out and socialize with people, but the thought of doing so just scares you to death?  You made that up, too.

There may be other things that are negatively impacting your life right now, and no matter what it made it up.

Now I'm not making fun of you.  As a guy, I suffered from the first and last situations for most of my life thus far.  And as for the starving young lady, I don't know what you are going through personally, but I can imagine what you are going through.

I just recently got over a PMO addiction and i know how debilitating it can be.  In fact, if this is your issue, then you need to check out this site here.  It is a valuable resource on what PMO does to you and how to overcome it.

However, the overarching theme is that you made this stuff up.  You subconsciously affirmed to yourself that this is the life you are going to live.  And you did this for whatever reason you had at the time.

The thing is that the reason made sense then.  But now you may or may not notice that it is dragging you down.

There is a way out of this mess!

I know because I am using it.  The solution is so simple.

Whatever it is that ails you...that you feel is negatively impacting your life or holding you back... just have to change the way you see these situations.  You have to change it 180 degrees.

For instance, if you have a problem with PMO, then you would change that to I am free on Porn and Masturbation.  Tell yourself this every evening before going to bed and every morning before waking up.  This will set a habit for you.  Eventually, this affirmation will replace your PMO habits and get you off the porn sites.

You can string a whole lot of these affirmations together to form one long montage of positive positioning statements.  This montage is what Brent Smith calls a story.  This is the most effective way to turn your life around.  And in a very profound way.

I know.  I'm living proof.  I used to just keep to myself when going out to meet people.  This was due to social anxiety.  But I've been using this story method for about 35 days now.

In that 35 days I have freed myself from PMO, I greet everyone I come across and try to do something to brighten up that person's day.  I have even started playing the Trumpet again.

Again, you made it up.  It's all in your head.

So get your montage together and make the change in your mindspace that you want to project into the world and make it happen.

This is only the start.  In a future post, I will share more ways that you can supercharge this story.

Finally, feel free to leave comments.  I read all my comments, but I may not be able to respond to all of them.  And your comment might even spur great ideas for more posts for you guys (even though I've got a ton of content rolling around upstairs as it is.)

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