Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What is the problem with marriage (from the outside looking in)?

This blog is in response to one of Arron Clarey's blogs on his blog site Captain Capitalism. 

I think one of the wisest investments I ever made was...Dr. Ellen Kreidman's Light Her Fire CD Course on relationships.

In this course, Dr. Ellen teaches men what women want from men to have successful relationships and marriages.  The only thing is that when I purchased the CD Set (Initially on Tape Cassette), I was too young to realize how to use the information correctly.  Not to mention that back when I purchased the set I had Social Anxiety (I mean, what does someone with no girl and social anxiety need with this set?).

However, I learned much from this tape set and sometimes I wonder if men and women really realize how simple the dynamic really is.

The problem with many relationships and marriages is that both people get lazy.  The man does what needs to be done to put a ring on the woman's finger and a signature on a piece of paper.  About 6 months...maybe a year after that date, he just goes "I got her, why do I need to put in any more effort?"

Now guys, before you say anything, there are some women that do the Jekyll and Hyde trick as well.  One of my close friends had that change trick happen to him, too.  And his marriage only lasted about 7 months before separation papers were served (and I was the one that officiated the wedding...we're Asatru, in case you didn't notice my Avatar icon.)

Anyway, the woman wants to know that she is number one in your life, and if you give her that attention, then she (in theory) will support you in any of your goals.  The "problem" is that in being number one, she needs to have her emotional needs met outside the bedroom.  That (and a couple of other things) are how you keep her loyal and faithful.

Not only will she be loyal and faithful, but she will (in theory) make sure you are please inside the bedroom.

However, when she falls below number one for long periods of time and doesn't get her emotional needs met...she starts to get wandering eyes.  The wandering eyes turn into seeing a "new BFF".  Then the next thing you know, she's cheating on you.

Now guys, don't get me wrong, she understands that you have a job that needs to get done and you need to bring home money to sustain the family.  However, do you really need to stay at work until 8 or 9 at night?

If you do, then you probably need to not get married.  Or if you want to get married, then find a job that might pay a little less and give you better hours.  Otherwise you will have the woman that is mentioned above.

The other option that the woman can take is she knows you like a fit woman.  However, the problem is that you don't pay attention to her anymore.  After the first kid comes along...what incentive does she have to lose that baby fat.  You don't pay attention to her, and it take effort to stay skinny and look attractive for you.  She will just sit in front of the "boob tube" and eat bon-bons.  She will put on the weight, and the next thing you know, you have a fat sow sitting in from of you.

So the bottom line is to keep doing the work you were doing in the beginning.  Yes, even after you're married.  Your woman will love you for it, and you will have a happier life for it as well.

Please feel free to comment below.  Ladies, saying as I am a guy standing on the outside looking in, I would definitely like your opinion on this.  But everyone may comment, though.  And remember, be civil in your remarks.  I don't mind anyone questioning this content, but if your are being a troll or an ass clown, then you will be dealt with (typically having your comments deleted and being banned from commenting).

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