Friday, August 22, 2014

The ills of marriage

There was an article written on Zoutnet Plain Truth web site.  They are claiming that marriage is essentially falling apart.  If you look at the stats, then there is no debate.  Marriage does look like it's falling apart.

The problem is that they say the devil is doing it.  I'm not Christian, so I'm not going to sit here all day and claim that mess.

But I am Asatru.  And I will sit here all day and say that Loki is running rampant.  And here is the problem.  The feminazis have done everything they can to take the brakes off divorce.  Most states are no-fault divorce, and the men are generally "taken to the cleaners" in these courts.

But I can claim slavery on the divorce courts, especially over alimony (and possibly even child support).

So what is slavery?  Slavery is giving a valuable resource or action with no valuable consideration in return.  And if the valuable resource or action is not rendered, then a harsh penalty is enacted (usually jail time).  This is a rough translation of Mack v. U.S.

And the last I checked, Amendment XIII of the Constitution protects us from slavery or involuntary servitude.  And Article VI Clause 2 of the Constitution says that the constitution is the supreme law of the land.

And Marbury v. Madison states that any law that is repugnant to the constitution is not a law and it is not a law as of the moment of it's enactment and becomes a legal fiction (not enforceable).  No citizen is bound to follow it and no judge is bound to enforce it.  I didn't quote the above due to paraphrasing, but it's pretty close to the interpretation.

Finally, watch the videos in the Marbury v. Madison post linked above.  Then get to the law library and start to plot this stuff out yourself.

It is invaluable to watch the videos in the other post.  It will lay some bedrock to the information that you need.  SO DO IT!!!!!

Finally, feel free to leave comments below.  And please understand that I do not provide legal advice.  I just provide information that makes sense to me.  If you need legal advice, then seek out a BAR certified Shyster and be advised.

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